Why I made this website

The reason for starting this website was due to my dislike of the Internet’s current direction and my regrettable role in driving it.

As a marketer by trade, I must often post SEO-driven articles for work, clogging up the search engines with what I feel is ever more crap.

Outside of the day job, I previously created my own modest money-making website. Some content I’m quite proud of, whilst other articles are again, written for search engines.

I also have an associated newsletter which was much more enjoyable to write without worrying about algorithms. Until now, it’s been very topic-driven, however, with subscribers signing up to receive content within that niche.

So why create this site?

I could have added this content to my existing site, but one of the main reasons for starting this pseudonymous blog was that my mother knows of the former web address.

It may sound strange, but I feel that remaining anonymous, at least for now, will prove creatively liberating, allowing me to explore topics I otherwise might find uncomfortable.

Because more than anything, I want to create a personal archive I can be proud of, that isn’t constrained by any one topic, and grows as I do.

I might not have children, but the thought that my young nephews might (one day) be able to read my unfiltered thoughts pleases me.

For starters, they’ll know that what I’ve created here is original and not some AI-regurgitated slop.

They will hopefully experience my authentic, human-generated writing improve as I practice putting digital pen to paper.

They will learn of my struggles, successes and everything in between.

More than anything, they’ll see my thoughts and opinions change as I ponder topics and gain wisdom over a longer time horizon.

Ultimately, I intend for this eclectic selection of musings to become my digital legacy. It may not be much, but it’s a modest attempt at scrawling, ‘Here was Frightspear’.