Break up

I broke up with my long term girlfriend two months ago and since then it’s been a difficult period of adjustment.

Perhaps the most poignant moment arrived immediately after helping her move out, having returned home to a flat laid bare, stripped of all the personality her possessions provided.

The ghost of her presence lingers, a whisper of the many years we enjoyed together.

On the deep, dark winter nights, a fragile echo of our shared memories remains.

And though the decision to part ways was largely mutual, regret stabs unexpectedly with feelings of what could have been.

Loneliness during these long evenings is pervasive, only assuaged by my loving cat, who’s been an essential lifeline and loyal companion during these troubling times.

However, when reality shifts we must shift with it, even though the new terrain feels uncertain.

Time, I hope, will prove to be the great equaliser and eventually, healer.